The site on the territory of Balashov Municipal District
Address: Saratov Oblast, Balashov Municipal District, the territory of Hoperskoe Municipal formation, to the north-west of the land plot of the training and production farmstead of Balashov Agricultural College
Cadastral number: 64:06:140201:369
Type of the land plot: Greenfield
Area: 72,5 ha
Land plot has a flat surface, is located along road (Saratovskoe Highway)
Land plot is located in Balashov, distance to the city center: 8 km
  • Energy capacity – 25-30 MW
  • Gas capacity– 15000 m³/day
  • Water capacity –1000 m³/day
  • Waterwaste disposal – 1300 m³/day
Contact information
People responsible for the industrial parks
You can find more detailed information about the site in our presentation
2022. Stolypin Industrial Park
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