The site № 1 on the territory of Engels Municipal District
Address: Saratov Oblast, Engels District,
Probuzhdenie town
The land plot is located in the bounders of cadastral quarter 64:38:040212 (land-surveying and cadastral registration are necessary)
Type of the land plot: Greenfield
Area: 30 ha
Approximate distance
to residential buildings:
10 m
Distance to road «Engels-Ershov-Ozinki: 500 m
Distance to regional center (Engels): 9 km
  • Energy capacity – 11-15 MW
  • Gas capacity – 6000 m³/day
  • Water capacity – 500 m³/day
  • Waterwaste disposal – 550 m³/day

The site № 2 on the territory of Engels Municipal District
Address: Saratov Oblast, Engels municipal district, Krasnoyarskoe Municipal Formation, JSC Lebedevskoe, to the south-east to Loshchinnoe Village
Cadastral number: 64:38:000000:13733
Type of the land plot: Greenfield
Area : 111,3 ha
Land plot with a flat surface is located near the road «Saratov-Ozinki»
Distance to regional center (Engels): 25 км

  • Energy capacity – 56-60 MW
  • Gas capacity – 30000 m³/day
  • Water capacity – 2000 m³/day
  • Waterwaste disposal – 2600 m³/day
Contact information
People responsible for the industrial parks
You can find more detailed information about the site in our presentation
2022. Stolypin Industrial Park
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